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With iNtuition viewing life as an interconnected web of concepts, iNtuitive Thinkers naturally focus on how the use of each thing connects with the use of everything else.  The beneficial utility of anything affects the usefulness of everything; the loss or misuse of the potential usefulness of one thing has detrimental effects on the usefulness of related things, in a continuing cascade effect.  Likewise, when anything is perfected, honed, and properly used, then everything related to it becomes easier to use.

NTs naturally think according to these relationships, seeking to make the best use of whatever it is they care about.  Looking to the future of what things could become, iNtuitive Thinkers want to maximize the useful benefits of the things they care about and raise them to their full potential, even if it means that those things have to change.  Healthy NTs are not afraid to change the things, ideals, and people they care about, especially themselves, in order to find new and exciting purposes for them.

This focus on the use of concepts causes NTs to look to the future, always considering ways to “new and improve” everything that matters to them.  They seek to add to things by going forward and exploring conceptual possibilities.  Using their iNtuition, they consider the context of how the things they care about connect with everything else, in order to reveal what’s missing and what could be added.  The more useful things become, the more beneficially they interact with everything else, which in turn reveals even more possible uses.

With NT’s focus on the future of what things could be, they end up thinking of people, actions, and everything in terms of truth and error:  Is this idea accurate, or not?  If not, then it won’t be of any use.  If so, then let’s see how we can use it!  Often without realizing it, NTs think of right and wrong in these terms.  Accuracy and truth are good, leading to beneficial results and useful progress, while inaccuracy and error are bad, leading to frustration, stagnation, suffering, and misfortune.  iNtuitive Thinkers excel in understanding the far reaching implications and applications of truth and error, but they should be careful to remember that there are many other facets of right and wrong, good and bad, and everything that makes life worth living.


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