With iNtuition viewing life as an interconnected web of concepts, iNtuitive Feelers naturally focus on how the meaning of each thing connects with the meaning of everything else.  The significance and preciousness of anything affects the significance of everything; the loss or violation of the meaning of one thing has damaging effects on the preciousness of related things, in a widening ripple effect.  Likewise, when anything is honored, respected, and valued for its intrinsic worth, then everything related to it becomes easier to treasure.

NFs naturally think according to these relationships, seeking to understand the full meaning of whatever it is they care about.  Looking to the future of what things could become, iNtuitive Feelers want to help the things they care about grow to be ever more meaningful, even if it means that those things have to change.  Healthy NFs are not afraid to change the things, ideals, and people they care about, in order to help them attain all the dignity, value, and joy that they can grow into.

Both intrinsic meaning and concepts are timeless things, and NFs tend to think of things in the context of all time as a wide and infinite whole.  Context is the big word for all NFs.  Whether they care most about principles or data, actions or people, they’ll view it in terms of how it fits into the big picture of everything else, how its context in that grand whole defines its precious worth.

This timeless attitude causes NFs to think of people, actions, and everything in terms of justice and mercy:  Is this action or idea just or deserved?  Or is it undeserved, yet merciful according to the needs and value of those involved?  Or is it flat out cruel, or unjust?  Often without realizing it, NFs think of right and wrong in these terms.  Justice and mercy are good, each in their proper place according to the needs and value of those involved, while injustice and cruelty are bad, and are often misapplications of runaway mercy or justice.  iNtuitive Feelers excel in understanding the far reaching implications and applications of justice and mercy, but they should be careful to remember that there are many other facets of right and wrong, good and bad, and everything that makes life worth living.