Search: “optimism pessimism”

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The People of Stranger Things

{Dunda dun da… Babum babum bababum bumbabumba bababumbaba bumbum} The music starts and red lights appear in darkness, angles slowly revealing flickering words, and my heart grows fluttery.  This is my best description of an intro that I refuse to skip unless under duress.  Because it gives me a sense of the ride I’m starting […]

The Four Types of Love

“What is love?” is a question that has been asked throughout the ages, by philosophers, poets, and Haddaway–insert obligatory head tip here.  While that is a perfectly valid question, and you guys know how heart-eyes we are for proper definitions around here, I think instead today we’ll ask the ever so aLBoP question, “How can […]

Type Specializations: What Makes *My* Type Special?

There’s an age-old outlook, put blatantly by Syndrome of The Incredibles in his Moriarty Fear, that if everyone is special, then *no one* will be.  To this longstanding catch-22, I offer the following rebuttal:  What if everyone is special in a way that is both utterly unique and utterly essential? What if, like colors, genders […]

What Do All These Letters Mean Anyway?

So, once upon a time, you stumbled upon a really cool website.  It had interesting pictures combining all your favorite characters in ways you weren’t sure made sense, but it was also pretty cool to read, even if the girl who wrote it liked to use lame phrases like “Rock-awesome,” used too many ellipses and […]

The Cognition Process in Stick Figures

Though I write often about cognition patterns and how thought processes differ between each of the sixteen types, I feel like I haven’t really gotten across in full what I mean.  And is there any way better to get across concepts simply and efficiently than pictures?  I think there is not. Now, I can’t make […]

T-Shirts! Plus Blog Updates

Hello there!  I hope you’re enjoying A Little Bit of Personality so far 🙂  I have so much I want to post and only so many hours in a day… and, even more challenging, brain power.  But there’s still 14 Type Heroes to come (/faint); and, because my little perceiver brain just can’t work a […]