[To Dr. Simon Tam] “Tell me, Lil’ Miss Big Words,
you see a pyramid sittin’ out there?  Neither do I.
So here, let me pour you a big frosty mug of ‘shut-the-h*ll-up’.”
Jayne Cobb, Firefly

“Jayne Justification” is the familiar ESTP tactic of trying to imply both that it’s stupid to be smart, and that they’re smarter than everyone else anyway.  With ESTPs’ last and weakest cognitive step being action and decisions made through their iNtuition, they’re naturally insecure (as all types are about their weakest area) about their ability to understand and apply concepts and abstract principles to the choices and plans they make, making them feel inadequate and out-of-step with others conceptually and often academically.  With their specialty centering around their own self-usefulness and protecting what they are, the ESTP is likely to imply that an understanding of the conceptual is worthless and totally irrelevant to everyday life, implying that those who are good at the conceptual are just as useless as the ESTP *feels*.  Because this doesn’t improve their self-image the way they hoped it would, the ESTP is also likely to try implying that they really *are* good at the conceptual, in fact *better* than those whose conceptual abilities make them feel uncomfortable.

But what the ESTP needs to realize, is that they have a unique intelligence all their own, with keen observational abilities and the talent to see the things right in front of them that others simply miss.  As they learn to appreciate the conceptual strengths of their friends, while realizing that it doesn’t compromise their own self-worth or their own usefulness, the ESTP can learn to use their awesome powers of Observational Sensing to see new and unexplored sides of the conceptual that are desperately needed.

Gaston, Beauty and the Beast
Rainbow Dash, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Strongbad, HomestarRunner.com
and so many more…

Click here for an in-depth look at ESTP, “The Spartan”!