Good morning boys and girls!  {Good morning Ms. Calise}  Today we have a very special lesson on the Scientific Method from our favorite guest teacher, my INFJ!  Aren’t you all excited to know about how the scientific method really works in practice and how to apply it to anything in your life so that any topic can be scientific? {class cheers, roses are thrown}

But little Bobby is unimpressed.  Bobby reads science magazines and writes on internet forums; he’s got this crap.  He knows how to wield black holes and Occam’s Razor like a boss, so that the other kids look stupid.  Yeah, that’s right!

But what Bobby doesn’t understand is, just because something sounds like “Science!” doesn’t mean it follows the scientific method.  Bobby may be good at Troll Tactics that make it look like his argument holds up, but if the other kids were to follow the scientific method, they would be able to see that what Bobby calls “Facts” are really hypotheses that don’t hold up under experimentation.

Don’t be like little Bobby; understand the scientific method so that you can apply it to every area of your life, not just “sciencey” stuff!  Check out the playlist of all three videos below 😀 or go here to watch them on YouTube.  For Science!