Calise Sellers

creating A Little Bit of Personality

  • 14 members
  • 8 posts
  • $436.8/month

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A Splash of Love for aLBoP
You'll also receive:
  • The aLBoP desktop wallpaper of the month, each month of your patronage!
  • Voting privileges to help decide what the monthly desktop wallpaper will be :)
(Plus the $1+ rewards)
 / month

A Shower of Love for aLBoP
You'll also receive:
  • Voting privileges to help decide on which characters, historical figures, etc. we spotlight next!
(Plus the $5+ rewards)
 / month

A Downpour of Love for aLBoP
You'll also receive:
  • As a one-time reward when you first sign up as a patron at this tier, you get to request a stick figure of one of your favorite characters to be posted on aLBoP!  I would love to make stick-Thor or stick-Sauron, for example, but if I don't know your favorite character, I'm happy to research!!
(Plus the $10+ rewards)
 / month

A Tsunami of Love for aLBoP
You'll also receive:
  • As a one-time reward when you first sign up as a patron at this tier, you get to request a post the next month on any subject you want!!  Be it "Common type relationship combos," "How ENFJs have changed your life?" or "Who would win in a fight, Gandalf or Dumbledore?", you have the power to *change* the future of what we'll post! O_O
(Plus the $25+ rewards)
 / month
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Calise Sellers

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